Atom User Reviews for The Rocky Horror Picture Show
27 years since I last saw it in a theatre on Halloween. What a blast. But,....we were the only 2 people there. That's good, and bad. This is a special event for a special film. Yet, nobody else showed up. Do the younger generations not care? Or are people just not aware? These events sure feel thrown together, without any real effort. It's a shame. Rocky Horror deserves a great audience. Seeing it at the theatre makes it even better.
Worst movie ever, but that's why we keep going to see it!
Tim Curry at his best.... the fun part - having watched this movie longer than most of the audience has been alive... LOL
awesome movie everytime
Legit words can't describe!!! Go see it !!
The material inspires affection, given its knowing pastiche of everything from Universal horrors to '50s grade-Z sci-fi, and a shamelessly hedonistic, fiercely independent sensibility that must have seemed a welcome relief from the mainstream bombast of other '70s musicals.