Mamma Mia! (2008)
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See ABBA's songs come to cinematic life!
May 29, 2018 Update: Ten years later, the sequel is finally here - Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again.
- Amanda Seyfried
- Stellan Skarsgård
- Pierce Brosnan
- Nancy Baldwin
- Colin Firth
- Heather Emmanuel
- Colin Davis
- Rachel McDowall
- Ashley Lilley
- Meryl Streep
Atom User Reviews
It's a delightful piece of filmmaking with a marvelous cast topped by Meryl Streep in one of her smartest and most entertaining performances ever.
Ray Bennett
The Hollywood Reporter
Seyfried (of Big Love and Mean Girls) is a radiant object and can sing, but I'd like to forget the others--especially Brosnan, whose singing is the best imitation I've heard of a water buffalo.
David Edelstein
New York Magazine (Vulture)
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