Just Mercy
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Movie Info & Cast
- Michael B. Jordan
- Jamie Foxx
- Brie Larson
- Rob Morgan
- Tim Blake Nelson
- Rafe Spall
- O'Shea Jackson
- Karan Kendrick
- Drew Scheid
- Steve Coulter
Atom User Reviews
When watching this movie, I felt so many emotions. I felt sadness, love and empathy. Sadness that these events occurred. I was angry cause I knew that our justice system let johnnie D down and angry that I was not fazed that they did. Movies like these burn something in the soul. Jamie Foxx and Michael B. Jordan did an amazing job playing these two prominent figures.
This should be a requirement for the world to see. This was not a movie that was based on a story from the 60s or before that. If Injustice happened in the 90s. The emotion that was conveyed was beyond words. Jamie Foxx and Michael b Jordan did a fantastic job. Award-winning
Jamie Foxx is on awards-worthy form.
It’s a rousing and moving enough film that one is compelled to excuse the limits of its artistry.
Cretton ... finds a newly supple way to deliver a liberal Hollywood knockout punch.