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- Woody Harrelson
- Kaitlin Olson
- Ernie Hudson
- Cheech Marin
- Matt Cook
- Madison Tevlin
- Joshua Felder
- Kevin Iannucci
- Ashton Gunning
- Matthew Von Der Ahe
Atom User Reviews
Pretty awful messages. Yes, let’s swipe right when lonely and teach downs kids to be sexually crude. Skip this movie.
The only thing I didn't like about it was the cursing and sexual implications.
Champions has its heart in the right place, trying to teach the audience, through Marcus, to see his players and the actors portraying them without condescension. It’s possible to admire the message, though, without thinking much of a movie that, Marcus’ aspirations notwithstanding, belongs in the minor leagues.
There’s a version of the film that feels engaging and well-considered. It pops its head out every once in a while (most notably in an FBI impersonation sequence led by a gut-busting Kaitlin Olson). But it can’t even stay above water in a shallow script. Despite its name, Champions rides the bench.
This big-hearted underdog sports comedy runs on rails, with no great surprises, but it’s likable.