What's Up, Doc?
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Movie Info & Cast
- Barbra Streisand
- Ryan O'Neal
- Madeline Kahn
- Kenneth Mars
- Austin Pendleton
- Michael Murphy
- Philip Roth
- Sorrell Booke
- Stefan Gierasch
- Mabel Albertson
Atom User Reviews
The movie works. It is food at last for we who hunger for a screwball comedy utterly lacking in redeeming social importance.
Roger Ebert
Chicago Sun-Times
In Bogdanovich’s analytical twist on the genre, even joyous liberation leaves a huge mess.
Richard Brody
The New Yorker
Only a director in complete control can fashion something so effortlessly chaotic. What’s Up Doc? is one of the signature comedies of the 1970s whose throwback mixture of madcap hijinks and rat-a-tat-tat dialogue still works for a generation twice removed from its influences.
James Berardinelli
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