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Tron: Legacy

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Movie Info & Cast


The son of a virtual world designer goes looking for his father and ends up inside the digital world that his father designed. He meets his father's corrupted creation and a unique ally who was born inside the digital world.


  • Jeff Bridges
  • Garrett Hedlund
  • Olivia Wilde
  • Bruce Boxleitner
  • James Frain
  • Beau Garrett
  • Michael Sheen
  • Anis Cheurfa
  • Serinda Swan
  • Yaya DaCosta

Atom User Reviews

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Dec 17, 2010

With a curiously stubborn kind of integrity, Tron: Legacy follows what did and didn't work the first time – another weak story with sub-B-movie dialogue, partly compensated for by intensely conceived geometric design and special effects.

Metacritic review by Liam Lacey
Liam Lacey
The Globe and Mail (Toronto)
Dec 16, 2010

Tron: Legacy is the kind of sensory-onslaught blockbuster that tends to put me to sleep, the way babies will nap to block out overwhelming stimuli. I confess I may have snoozed through one or two climactic battles only to be startled awake by an incoming neon Frisbee.

Metacritic review by Dana Stevens
Dana Stevens
Dec 16, 2010

The special effects are incredible, blah blah blah, but oddly, the most effective element here is the original movie's striking visual design-everything pitch black except for the luminescent piping on the costumes and foreground objects-which was inspired by the primitive arcade games of the early 80s.

Metacritic review by J.R. Jones
J.R. Jones
Chicago Reader