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Journalist David Farrier stumbles upon a mysterious tickling competition online. As he delves deeper he comes up against fierce resistance, but that doesn't stop him getting to the bottom of a story stranger than fiction.
Atom User Reviews
Jul 1, 2016
It's fun, exciting, freakish filmmaking.

Tirdad Derakhshani
Philadelphia Inquirer
Jun 30, 2016
The story is so nasty, so depraved and troubling, that viewers may well wonder at its value beyond prurient interest.

Ann Hornaday
Washington Post
Jun 23, 2016
By the end of Tickled the realm of superficial giggles has long been left behind. Though his lighthearted tone has difficulties keeping up with each new sinister discovery, Farrier has exposed in the least likely setting the network of power and money that preys on the weak with impunity.

Peter Keough
Boston Globe
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