The Tale of The Princess Kaguya (Kaguyahime no monogatari)
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Kaguya is a beautiful young woman coveted by five nobles. To try to avoid marrying a stranger she doesn't love, she sends her suitors on seemingly impossible tasks. But she will have to face her fate and punishment for her choices.
- Aki Asakura
- Kengo Kôra
- Takeo Chii
- Nobuko Miyamoto
- Atsuko Takahata
- Tomoko Tabata
- Chloë Grace Moretz
- James Caan
- Mary Steenburgen
- James Marsden
Atom User Reviews
Dec 4, 2014
It’s the beautiful and breathtaking animation that gives The Tale of the Princess Kaguya a luster that is both simple and sophisticated. Once again the visionary Takahata and Studio Ghibli prove that great animation is not just for kids, but can be universal in its reach.
Mary Houlihan
Chicago Sun-Times
Sep 10, 2014
Taking Eastern watercolours as inspiration, the aesthetic is impressionistic and painterly with a fluidity that imbues the piece with an intrinsic magic.
Ben Nicholson
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