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The Sacrifice (1986)

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At the dawn of World War III, a man searches for a way to restore peace to the world and finds he must give something in return.


  • Olga Tschechowa
  • Hans Stüwe
  • Erland Josephson
  • Susan Fleetwood
  • Allan Edwall
  • Guðrún Gísladóttir
  • Sven Wollter
  • Valérie Mairesse
  • Filippa Franzén
  • Tommy Kjellqvist
  • Per Källman
  • Tommy Nordahl

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The Sacrifice is not the sort of movie most people will choose to see, but those with the imagination to risk it may find it rewarding.

Metacritic review by Roger Ebert
Roger Ebert
Chicago Sun-Times

It is brilliant and audacious, with one of the most extraordinary final sequences in modern cinema, and all in a manner which Hollywood in the succeeding decade would learn to call high concept.

Metacritic review by Peter Bradshaw
Peter Bradshaw
The Guardian