The Room
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Movie Info & Cast
- Tommy Wiseau
- Juliette Danielle
- Greg Sestero
- Philip Haldiman
- Carolyn Minnott
- Robyn Paris
- Mike Holmes
- Dan Janjigian
- Kyle Vogt
- Greg Ellery
Atom User Reviews
better than all oscar films this oscar
This inept 2003 melodrama has become a Rocky Horror-style cult favorite...As someone who's watched more bad movies than you can imagine, I'm mostly immune to the so-bad-it's-good aesthetic, though I can see how, viewed in a theater at midnight after a few drinks, this might conjure up its own hilariously demented reality.

That’s the trick to making a cult film. It can’t just be bad, it has to be memorably so, and The Room is.

Tommy Wiseau's film oozes sincerity, which is then slathered in a thick coating of oblivious narcissism, and sadly serves as an example that not everyone should follow their bliss...It's the emotional earnestness that places The Room squarely within Susan Sontag's famous definition of pure camp.