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The Roaring Twenties

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Three men attempt to make a living in Prohibitionist America after returning home from fighting together in World War I.

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Bogart and Cagney are gloriously dark in this gangster tour-de-force.

Metacritic review by Kim Newman
Kim Newman

A trio of writers took New York critic turned studio exec Mark Hellinger’s notion for a “Roaring” era gangster saga and peppered it with enough snappy dialogue to pass for a screwball comedy.

Metacritic review by Roger Moore
Roger Moore
Movie Nation

With a commentator's voice interpolating ultra-dramatic commonplaces as the film unreels, their melodrama has taken on an annoying pretentiousness which neither the theme nor its treatment can justify.

Metacritic review by Frank S. Nugent
Frank S. Nugent
The New York Times