The Bridges of Madison County
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Photographer Robert Kincaid wanders into the life of housewife Francesca Johnson, for four days in the 1960s.
- Clint Eastwood
- Meryl Streep
- Annie Corley
- Victor Slezak
- Jim Haynie
- Sarah Zahn
- Christopher Kroon
- Phyllis Lyons
- Debra Monk
- Richard Lage
Atom User Reviews
Given the intelligent restraint of the treatment, this is about as fine an adaptation of this material as one could hope for, although there is still something of a gap between the impressive skill of the filmmaking and the ultimately irredeemable aspects of the source.
Todd McCarthy
Eastwood, who directed the picture adequately, is inadequate in this role. He has done a lot of impressive acting in films, but none of it has been sexually romantic, and the age of 64 was not the right time to take up that line of work. [03Jul1995, Pg. 26]
Stanley Kauffmann
The New Republic
Richard LaGravenese's flashback script craftily tones down Waller's wind, adds a germane subplot and strengthens the novella's framing device. [02 Jun 1995, p.D1]
Mike Clark
USA Today
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