Atom User Reviews for The Blackening
u know if u belong i.e. it aint for errr-body. some just won't get it....Happy Juneteeth !!!
I got free tickets and i need a refund
We do NOT play about spades...PERIOD! Lol
Black AF and Iove it!
It had me and my friend dying! Whole theater was lit as we laughed, yelled at the screen, and repeated some of them famous black sayings! Def a must see!
This was all in all a good movie. Some of my fav black actors. Good seeing them in another light. Definitely will see again.
This is just fun. Go turn your brain off and enjoy
10 outta 10!!! Wasn’t expecting it to be so good but it was! Hilarious from start to finish!
Haven’t laughed this hard at a movie in a while
If you like scary movie from the 2000s then this will definitely bring back memories
Saw it cause of T-Mobile giving 5 dollar tickets to it but going into it it looked hilarious but it just wasn’t it had a few moments that made u laugh but that was it sort of bummed 🤷🏻♂️
Overall, it was definitely a different kind of story, but funny. I enjoyed it.
It was not that great. It definitely had its moments and jokes here and there but it kept repeating one of them over and over. It is supposed to be a parody but it kept trying to be serious in some moments plus the pacing is slow in the beginning. It had a straight to streaming vibe to it.
horrible ghetto trash
It's predictable but in a fresh way! One of the funniest, obviously funny movies.
Let me just say this, if you haven’t bought your tickets by this point, you’re already missing out baby.
I really enjoyed it, very funny & entertaining. The ending was predictable though.
Loved this moving I’m going to watch it again it was hilarious twist on a comedy horror movie. Showing the prospective with all black characters cuz you know the black ppl die but we definitely think differently when it comes to some creepy ish . When things aren’t feeling right you gone know when not to investigate and run lol hilarious movie must watch
I absolutely loved this movie! I can’t believe how much fun this movie was. I wouldn’t stop laughing
Very funny references! Took my husband who enjoyed the wittyness, comedy, facts, and storyline. I don't like scary movies, so this was perfect for him and I to watch. Overall pretty funny.
Definitely liked it!!! Would see it again.
Seriously funny best movie I ever watched no one can't stop laughing funny jokes.
went in expecting it to be funny, came out dying from laughter. just the right amount of funny and scary, i would definitely recommend seeing it with friends
The cast was amazing and the movie was hilarious!!!! It's going down as a movie to see over and over!!!!
Very original and entertaining
Good watch and date night
damn that was funny
Should have been $2 instead of $5
I want a refund, terrible service, terrible movie
The movie is worth seeing from the beginning to the end-watch though the end of the credits!!!@#*)
It was a worth it. Appropriate for Juneteenth.
Moderately funny
Some parts were funny but really it was stupid!
hope the sequel is better
Super funny and enjoyable with family
Bruuuuuuuh! Gotta go see it!
Funny From Beginning To End!!
It just wasn't as funny as I thought it would be.
I thought this was going to be a cliche spoof but it was none of that and so funny my stomach aches
waste of time.
Would not recommend. There were a couple funny parts, but not worth the $$ or time. Wait for TV if you just have to watch it.
Waste of time
I played the game right along with the characters, often nodding my head and laughing out loud. Great movie!
Had me on the edge of my sweet but the comedic timing was perfect.
It’s was funny, but also cliche. I do think that’s how the movie was supposed to be.
Loved the movie. Cast was great. Bravo to the writers. Not all black people should have to die in scary movies. 💪🏾🔥
The movie was funny. A great cast. A good movie to catch in the afternoon
If you like the Scream franchise, this is a must see.
Must see!
It gives you that horror comedy feeling!
The movie is highly entertaining, while being oddly validating and very funny. It cleverly weaves the horror tropes that it rebukes right into the narrative. And it’s done without slipping into parody like the Scary Movie series, where similar notions are skewered more broadly and, with The Blackening now on the table, way less successfully.

More importantly, the film specifically examines Blackness through the lens of whiteness, making a white man the enemy and showing how an outside force wreaks havoc among the closed group. The film jokes about Black suffering, but this is far from trauma porn. It’s a truly Black horror comedy.