The Art of Self Defense
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Movie Info & Cast
- Jesse Eisenberg
- Alessandro Nivola
- Imogen Poots
- Steve Terada
- David Zellner
- Phillip Andre Botello
- Jason Burkey
- Mike Brooks
- C.J. Rush
- Davey Johnson
Atom User Reviews
This movie is not for everyone. It did make me feel a wide range of emotions which is a positive. You must like dark humor to enjoy this movie. The cast really sells it.
Definitely caught me by surprise! Pretty good movie and funny definitely worth seeing if your a Jesse Eisenberg fan.
The film’s calm brutality is effective. Plot-wise, some punches are telegraphed, while others are not. The satire is a spinning wheel kick I didn’t see coming. Black belts all around.
Director and writer Riley Stearns’ mediocre comedy aims to be a roundhouse kick at traditional masculinity, but doesn’t manage to take it down in any deep or insightful way.
When the film works it veers into the domain of the uncomfortably hilarious as the maladjusted becomes a malcontent without a choice.