Raising Arizona
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When a childless couple of an ex-con and an ex-cop decide to help themselves to one of another family's quintuplets, their lives become more complicated than they anticipated.
- Nicolas Cage
- Holly Hunter
- Trey Wilson
- John Goodman
- William Forsythe
- Sam McMurray
- Frances McDormand
- Randall 'Tex' Cobb
- T.J. Kuhn
- Lynne Kitei
Atom User Reviews
The big trouble with Raising Arizona is that the Coens overdrew their wild and crazy yarn, and overdo almost every gag and gimmick. [20 Mar 1987]
Peter Stack
San Francisco Chronicle
Like Blood Simple, it's full of technical expertise but has no life of its own... The direction is without decisive style. [11 Mar 1987, p.C24]
Vincent Canby
The New York Times
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