Punch-Drunk Love
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Socially frustrated Barry Egan calls a phone-sex line to curb his loneliness. Little does he know it will land him in deep trouble and will jeopardize his burgeoning romance with the mysterious Lena.
- Adam Sandler
- Jason Andrews
- Don McManus
- Emily Watson
- Luis Guzmán
- David Schrempf
- Seann Conway
- Rico Bueno
- Hazel Mailloux
- Philip Seymour Hoffman
Atom User Reviews
Quirky and stylish, but not in a manner that comes across as overly artsy or pretentious.
James Berardinelli
The strangest thing about writer-director Paul Thomas Anderson's unusual romantic comedy is how much of it is based on a true story.
Ken Fox
TV Guide Magazine
Whether Adam Sandler can actually act is not actually answered in Paul Thomas Anderson's Punch-Drunk Love. But he's great in it.
Jack Mathews
New York Daily News
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