Much Ado About Nothing (1993)
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Young lovers, and soon to wed, Hero and Claudio conspire to get verbal sparring partners and confirmed singles, Benedick and Beatrice, to wed as well.
- Kenneth Branagh
- Emma Thompson
- Denzel Washington
- Keanu Reeves
- Michael Keaton
- Robert Sean Leonard
- Richard Briers
- Kate Beckinsale
- Gerard Horan
- Richard Clifford
Atom User Reviews
Branagh sets the pace just this side of a Marx Brothers movie.
Roger Ebert
Chicago Sun-Times
He has taken a Shakespearean romantic comedy, the sort of thing that usually turns to mush on the screen, and made a movie that is triumphantly romantic, comic and, most surprising of all, emotionally alive.
Vincent Canby
The New York Times
It's easy to dismiss Branagh's Shakespeare productions as nothing new, but before he went on to more heavy duty fare such as Hamlet, he made this bright, accessible romantic comedy which still stands out as one of his greater directorial efforts. The cast are a joy to watch, while the beautiful location matches the romantic mood.
Angie Errigo
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