Miss Congeniality
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Gracie Hart, a tomboyish detective, is made to infiltrate the Miss United States beauty pageant as a contestant after her department learns that the event is under threat from an anonymous bomber.
- Sandra Bullock
- Michael Caine
- Benjamin Bratt
- Candice Bergen
- William Shatner
- Ernie Hudson
- John DiResta
- Heather Burns
- Melissa De Sousa
- Steve Monroe
Atom User Reviews
Miss Congeniality would not be out of place as a TV series, so it makes sense that Candice Bergen and William Shatner appear as pageant co-hosts.
Jami Bernard
New York Daily News
The kind of ugly-duckling role that's long been ironic for her (Bullock).
Lisa Alspector
Chicago Reader
It all coalesces in a TV-level pleasantness, which isn't quite enough to fill a big screen.
Robert Horton
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