McCabe and Mrs. Miller
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A gambler and a prostitute become business partners in a remote Old West mining town, and their enterprise thrives until a large corporation arrives on the scene.
- Warren Beatty
- Julie Christie
- Rene Auberjonois
- William Devane
- John Schuck
- Corey Fischer
- Bert Remsen
- Shelley Duvall
- Keith Carradine
- Michael Murphy
Atom User Reviews
They say that great actors are never knowingly caught acting; Altman's best movies are similarly effortless - experiences to be lived in, rather than simply watched.
Colin Kennedy
Altman's dreamy, snowy northwestern about wily operator McCabe (Warren Beatty), sexy Madame Miller (Julie Christie) and a bittersweet tale of how the West was unzipped. [04 May 2007, p.C2]
Michael Wilmington
Chicago Tribune
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