Maximum Overdrive
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A group of people try to survive when machines start to come alive and become homicidal.
- Emilio Estevez
- Pat Hingle
- Laura Harrington
- Yeardley Smith
- John Short
- Ellen McElduff
- J.C. Quinn
- Christopher Murney
- Holter Graham
- Frankie Faison
Atom User Reviews
Maximum Overdrive is the classic botch. Good idea, nice effects, bad pacing, porous script, no punch...Too bad. As usual, the premise has promise. [26 July 1986, p.C1]
Bill Cosford
Miami Herald
A mess of a movie, a no chills nightmare about what happens to a group of rubes at a Carolina truck stop when the machines go nuts. [29 July 1986, p.3]
Rick Kogan
Chicago Tribune
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