Like Water for Chocolate
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When tradition prevents her from marrying the man she loves, a young woman discovers she has a unique talent for cooking.
- Lumi Cavazos
- Marco Leonardi
- Regina Torné
- Mario Iván Martínez
- Ada Carrasco
- Claudette Maille
- Yareli Arizmendi
- Pilar Aranda
- Rodolfo Arias
- Joaquín Garrido
Atom User Reviews
Like Water for Chocolate creates its own intense world of passion and romance, and adds a little comedy and a lot of quail, garlic, honey, chiles, mole, cilantro, rose petals and corn meal.
Roger Ebert
Chicago Sun-Times
An enchanting story played out by a great female cast, particularly Cavazos as the poor Tita, and unique visuals from Arau. With equal parts melodrama, comedy, tragedy and cookery, Like Water For Chocolate adapts well from script to screen, unlike most Hollywood attempts.
Angie Errigo
Food and passion create a sublime alchemy in Like Water for Chocolate, a Mexican film whose characters experience life so intensely that they sometimes literally smolder.
Janet Maslin
The New York Times
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