In the Mood for Love (Fa yeung nin wa)
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Two neighbors form a strong bond after both suspect extramarital activities of their spouses. However, they agree to keep their bond platonic so as not to commit similar wrongs.
- Maggie Cheung
- Tony Leung Chiu-wai
- Siu Ping-Lam
- Tung Cho 'Joe' Cheung
- Rebecca Pan
- Kelly Lai Chen
- Man-Lei Chan
- Kam-Wah Koo
- Szu-Ying Chien
- Paulyn Sun
Atom User Reviews
Her (Cheung) gorgeously sad face and slow, lithe frame are the movie's hammer and chisel. One shot of her walking away from a rented room down a hallway is, all by itself, twice the movie of anything else currently in theaters.
Michael Atkinson
Mr. Showbiz
In the Mood For Love is ravishing beyond mortal words.
Ed Gonzalez
Slant Magazine
In the Mood for Love has novelty value, I suppose, and plenty of pretty camera moves, but it's not really a movie you can warm to.
Peter Rainer
New York Magazine (Vulture)
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