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Movie Info & Cast
- John Travolta
- Olivia Newton-John
- Stockard Channing
- Jeff Conaway
- Barry Pearl
- Michael Tucci
- Kelly Ward
- Didi Conn
- Jamie Donnelly
- Dinah Manoff
Atom User Reviews
Very good movie dedicated to Olivia Newton-John
Gotta love musicals 💜
No revival, however joyously promoted, can conceal the fact that this is just an average musical, pleasant and upbeat and plastic.
Grease works as a musical, a comedy, a light romance, and a gentle satire of teenage life during the '50s. In part because of its persistent high spirits, it's a delight to watch, even 20 years after it first appeared on the screen.
Grease isn't a four-star musical. It's fluffy and unimportant, and it gets tedious toward the end with the car-racing sequence that Kleiser staged in the paved-in-concrete Los Angeles River. The friskiness of the performers, the choreography by Patricia Birch and most of all Travolta's phenomenal charm give it its value.