Gone With the Wind (1939)
Movie Details
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forVideos & Photos
- Trailer for Gone With the Wind (00:30)
- Home video trailer with a sneak peak into the bonus features of this classic (02:01)
Movie Info & Cast
- Thomas Mitchell
- Barbara O'Neil
- Vivien Leigh
- Evelyn Keyes
- Ann Rutherford
- George Reeves
- Fred Crane
- Hattie McDaniel
- Oscar Polk
- Clark Gable
Atom User Reviews
Always a 5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️, always will be! My favorite film of all time, I see it on the big screen every chance I get. It doesn’t have the same impact when watching it on TV! If you like GORGEOUS cinematography, breathtaking costumes (Scarlett’s dresses, oh my!), great acting, and an epic tale of gentler days gone by, then this film is for you. A civilization ‘gone with the wind’.
There will never be a greater love story than Scarlett and Rhett!
Clear an evening and indulge yourself in one of the few films that can justifiably be called an epic.
A towering landmark of film, quite simply because it tells a good story, and tells it wonderfully well.

Well, even if it is essentially four hours about a selfish, silly cow, it's impeccably well made, and should be seen by anyone with even a passing interest in romance or movies.