Funny Face (1957)
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An impromptu fashion shoot at a book store brings about a new fashion model discovery in the shop clerk.
- Audrey Hepburn
- Fred Astaire
- Kay Thompson
- Michel Auclair
- Robert Flemyng
- Dovima
- Suzy Parker
- Sunny Hartnett
- Jean Del Val
- Virginia Gibson
Atom User Reviews
Jun 7, 2022
The film’s sophistication is compromised by the rather dumb plot, but some of the numbers—especially “Think Pink” and “Bonjour Paris”—are standouts.
Jonathan Rosenbaum
Chicago Reader
Jun 7, 2022
Hepburn is in the boho-gamine mode, and this has a brittle charm, (arguably more than in Breakfast At Tiffany's four years later) but there is something unconvincing in the May-to-December pairing of 28-year-old Hepburn and 58-year-old Astaire and also something grumpy and not particularly classy about the way this film shrieks with laughter at silly modern women filling their empty heads with trendy Parisian intellectualism.
Peter Bradshaw
The Guardian
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