Four Daughters (Les filles d'Olfa)
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Between light and darkness stands Olfa, a Tunisian woman and the mother of four daughters. One day, her two older daughters disappear. Filmmaker Kaouther Ben Hania invites professional actresses to fill in their absence.
- Eya Chikhaoui
- Tayssir Chikhaoui
- Zine El-Abidine Ben Ali
- Olfa Hamrouni
- Nour Karoui
- Majd Mastoura
- Ichrak Matar
- Hind Sabri
Atom User Reviews
Mar 1, 2024
The final scenes, even for those familiar with the real-world outcome, are haunting.
Tara Brady
The Irish Times
Jan 25, 2024
As unflinching as it is empathetic, Four Daughters is the best and slipperiest kind of film, whether you want to label it a documentary or not.
Barry Hertz
The Globe and Mail (Toronto)
Nov 3, 2023
This is a heartbreaker about mothers and daughters, the cruelty of repression and the slippery but revealing nature of performance. And to the end, it remains steadfast in its conviction that a woman’s truth and her beauty are never at odds.
Justin Chang
Los Angeles Times
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