Foster Boy
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Micheal Trainer is a lawyer at the center of a trial in which a for-profit foster care agency puts a known sex offender into the same foster home as his young client Jamal, with catastrophic results. Michael, successful litigator with a long career protecting corporate interests, wants nothing to do with Jamal’s case, until a Judge forces him to accept it. Initially he sees Jamal as a kid off the streets looking to grab a piece of corporate profits. But, when Jamal refuses to settle the case for any amount of money, Michael begins his representation in earnest. As their work together reveals the horrifying depth of the corrupt and abusive for-profit foster care agency, Michael is transformed from cynical skeptic to fierce warrior in the pursuit of justice.
- Matthew Modine
- Shane Paul McGhie
- Lex Scott Davis
- Julie Benz
- Amy Brenneman
- Greg Germann
- Louis Gossett Jr.
- Michael Beach
- Michael Hyatt
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