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Movie Info & Cast
- Michael Ealy
- Mike Colter
- Danny Pino
- Hilary Swank
- Tyrin Turner
- Sam Daly
- David Hoflin
- Damaris Lewis
- Kali Hawk
- Geoffrey Owens
Atom User Reviews
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The trailer may lead you to believe you've seen movies like this before... and you probably have. However, you'll see that the twists and turns this movie takes treads in unfamiliar territory. Which in and of itself was refreshing to see.
The film never takes itself too seriously, considering there are some serious actors in it. In the end, it’s all good fun and a great movie to turn on when you want to hand out with friends and see something truly insane.
It lacks the verbal punch of a pulpy film noir. Its pacing is too slack to serve as a gripping romantic thriller. It even rings hollow as a cautionary tale, because everyone is scheming and duplicitous and so no one has been truly wronged.
As improbable as Valerie’s endgame seems once revealed, it plainly demonstrates she’s nobody's chump. It’s not exactly a feminist reading, but one that gives Fatale a little backbone.