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Jerry Lundegaard's inept crime falls apart due to his and his henchmen's bungling and the persistent police work of the quite pregnant Marge Gunderson.
- William H. Macy
- Steve Buscemi
- Kristin Rudrüd
- Harve Presnell
- Tony Denman
- Gary Houston
- Sally Wingert
- Kurt Schweickhardt
- Frances McDormand
Atom User Reviews
McDormand is perfect in the role.
Peter Bradshaw
The Guardian
The brothers, who have always seemed fond of their characters, have never taken quite so overt a stand for life's simple joys.
Rita Kempley
Washington Post
Fargo, more than any of the Coens’ other work, is a study in contrast, namely in the sense that it’s made by two people who were clearly at one time insiders, but who have now taken the opportunity to see the Midwestern template from the outside. As such, every interaction in the film registers as a direct reflection of incongruous elements and repressed tensions.
Eric Henderson
Slant Magazine
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