Erin Brockovich
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A flamboyant law firm secretary works tirelessly to gain justice for a small town wrecked by a utility company's pollution.
- Julia Roberts
- David Brisbin
- Dawn Didawick
- Albert Finney
- Valente Rodriguez
- Conchata Ferrell
- George Rocky Sullivan
- Pat Skipper
- Jack Gill
- Irene Olga López
Atom User Reviews
Julia Roberts marches through Erin Brockovich like a force of nature. Granted, the movie gives her all of the best lines — to say nothing of its most eye-catching wardrobe. But the actress seizes the film's eponymous role with fire-in-her-eyes possessiveness and injects the character with all the energy and drive she can muster.
Kirk Honeycutt
The Hollywood Reporter
All of the filmmaker's fine work and good intentions cannot make this repetitive and finally tiresome saga fly.
Michael Atkinson
Mr. Showbiz
Loose and funny with verve.
Wesley Morris
San Francisco Examiner
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