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Drive (2011)

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Videos & Photos

  • TV Spot: Dangerous (:15 Version)
  • Trailer for Drive

Movie Info & Cast


A mysterious Hollywood action film stuntman gets in trouble with gangsters when he tries to help his neighbor's husband rob a pawn shop while serving as his getaway driver.


  • Ryan Gosling
  • Carey Mulligan
  • Bryan Cranston
  • Albert Brooks
  • Oscar Isaac
  • Christina Hendricks
  • Ron Perlman
  • Kaden Leos
  • Jeff Wolfe
  • James Biberi

Atom User Reviews

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Sep 16, 2011

With its emphasis on relationships and character, Drive can best be described as a thinking man's action film -- or at least, it could if it didn't ultimately feel so oddly slight. As it is, for all of its positives, it functions mostly as a guilty pleasure rather than as a movie that resonates the way, say, Blue Valentine does.

Metacritic review by Mike Scott
Mike Scott
New Orleans Times-Picayune
Sep 14, 2011

Among Gosling's many star-making qualities is his nuanced mastery, since The Believer, of a facial expression of infinitely adaptable, imperturbable, sustained calm that can read as chilling or ardent, hard or soft, as the role demands.

Metacritic review by Lisa Schwarzbaum
Lisa Schwarzbaum
Entertainment Weekly
Sep 4, 2011

Drive dynamically merges a terrific film noir plot with a cool retro look, evoking '60s classics like Point Blank and Bullitt.

Metacritic review by Pete Hammond
Pete Hammond
Boxoffice Magazine