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A boy, bruised by life, finds his salvation through the love of his dogs.
- Caleb Landry Jones
- Jojo T. Gibbs
- Christopher Denham
- Clemens Schick
- John Charles Aguilar
- Grace Palma
- Iris Bry
- Marisa Berenson
- Lincoln Powell
- Alexander Settineri
Atom User Reviews
Mar 29, 2024
Jones, never winking at the rampant absurdity, gives the proceedings a little grounding. But Besson wants off the leash and his instincts lead him astray.
Tim Grierson
Los Angeles Times
Mar 28, 2024
A film of immense contradictions and baffling coherency, it may be Besson’s most interesting work to date, because he finally embraces the outcast.
Richard Whittaker
Austin Chronicle
Sep 28, 2023
Dogman is one of those curios that you don't understand how it got made and just kinda marvel while it's happening, but once you try to put all the pieces together, nothing fits, and you're left wondering what the hell you just watched.
Matt Donato
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