Cool Hand Luke
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Movie Info & Cast
- Paul Newman
- George Kennedy
- J.D. Cannon
- Lou Antonio
- Robert Drivas
- Strother Martin
- Jo Van Fleet
- Clifton James
- Morgan Woodward
- Luke Askew
Atom User Reviews
Luke is the first Newman character to understand himself well enough to tell us to shove off. He's through risking his neck to make us happy. With this film, Newman completes a cycle of five films over six years, and together they have something to say about the current status of heroism. But Cool Hand Luke does draw together threads from the earlier movies, especially Hombre, and it is a tough, honest film with backbone.
Paul Newman gives one of his best performances in this prison film, where he inspires life in to his fellow inmates. Has something important to say with several memorable moments and a superb supporting cast.
Mr. Newman is excellent, at the top of his sometime erratic form, in the role of this warped and alienated loner whose destiny it is to lose. George Kennedy is powerfully obsessive as the top-dog who handles things his way as effectively and finally as destructively as does the warden or the guards.