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Videos & Photos

  • Trailer for Cameraperson
  • Clip: Najib

Movie Info & Cast


Exposing her role behind the camera, Kirsten Johnson reaches into the vast trove of footage she has shot over decades around the world. What emerges is a visually bold memoir and a revelatory interrogation of the power of the camera.


  • Kirsten Johnson
  • Roger Phenix

Atom User Reviews

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Sep 22, 2016

In ways both subtle and overt, the movie continually draws our attention to the human consciousness guiding every shot, the hand that is gently yet unmistakably manipulating the image.

Metacritic review by Justin Chang
Justin Chang
Los Angeles Times
Sep 8, 2016

Cameraperson isn’t a work of journalism or advocacy. It’s a scrapbook, a found poem assembled out of scraps and snippets of truth. And it is, above all, an act of showing rather than telling.

Metacritic review by A.O. Scott
A.O. Scott
The New York Times
Sep 6, 2016

All this could have easily become a cacophony of disconnected sights and sounds, but Cameraperson unfolds with beauty and purpose — mixing the fluidity of a dream with the acuity of an essay. Johnson teases out themes and finds echoes across the years.

Metacritic review by Bilge Ebiri
Bilge Ebiri
Village Voice