A Time to Kill
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A young Mississippi lawyer defends a black man who killed the two white men that raped his preteen daughter.
- Matthew McConaughey
- Sandra Bullock
- Samuel L. Jackson
- Kevin Spacey
- Oliver Platt
- Charles S. Dutton
- Brenda Fricker
- Donald Sutherland
- Kiefer Sutherland
- Patrick McGoohan
Atom User Reviews
A Time to Kill, based on the first novel by John Grisham, is a skillfully constructed morality play that pushes all the right buttons and arrives at all the right conclusions.
Roger Ebert
Chicago Sun-Times
Then again, it's worth noting that this Hollywood production is actually saying something, rather than just churning out eye-popping special effects while relying on a regurgitated plot.
James Berardinelli
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