Writer-director Matt Reeves’ work with Fox’s recent Planet of the Apes series proved that he is one of the best and most character-driven genre filmmakers working today. That’s why fan interest is so high in his take on DC’s The Batman. But, according to Variety, fans may have to wait a little longer to see Reeves’ vision of The Dark Knight.

Variety’s Justin Kroll recently took to Twitter to reveal recent script changes may likely delay the film’s production and release:

Kroll is a very reputable source; his track record with scoops on projects like this is often spot-on. While his word is not the “end all, be all,” this report could explain for why things have been so quiet lately in Reeves’ corner of Gotham City and on any casting news for the next actor to play Batman.

The last we heard about Reeves’ work on the movie was in a January interview with The Hollywood ReporterThere, he teased that the film will feature multiple villains from Batman’s infamous rogue’s gallery and that the story will showcase Batman’s reputation as “the Great Detective.”

Ben Affleck was first planning to co-write, star, and direct The Batman. But the Argo filmmaker left the project and officially announced in February 2019 what fans have known for quite some time, that he was vacating Warner Bros.’ DC Universe all together and no longer playing Batman.

If anyone can deliver a good Batman story for the big screen, it’s the director of Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. We can’t wait to see it.

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