True Crime
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Can an over-the-hill journalist uncover the evidence that can prove a death row inmate's innocence just hours before his execution?
- Clint Eastwood
- Isaiah Washington
- LisaGay Hamilton
- James Woods
- Denis Leary
- Bernard Hill
- Diane Venora
- Michael McKean
- Michael Jeter
- Mary McCormack
Atom User Reviews
This is an old-fashioned movie done with wit, grace, smarts and style. [19 March 1999, Friday, p.A]
Michael Wilmington
Chicago Tribune
Eastwood has never seemed less the persona he has built through the decades, the calm yet commanding center of a storm.
Stanley Kauffmann
The New Republic
Eastwood himself, pushing 70 but cruising women in their early 20s, counts on more goodwill than I can muster. I wasn't bored, but my suspension of disbelief collapsed well before the end.
Jonathan Rosenbaum
Chicago Reader
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