The Social Network
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As Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg creates the social networking site that would become known as Facebook, he is sued by the twins who claimed he stole their idea and by the co-founder who was later squeezed out of the business.
- Jesse Eisenberg
- Rooney Mara
- Bryan Barter
- Dustin Fitzsimons
- Joseph Mazzello
- Patrick Mapel
- Andrew Garfield
- Toby Meuli
- Alecia Svensen
- Justin Timberlake
Atom User Reviews
With a thieves den of borderline-Shakespearian characters, a wickedly literate screenplay, potent direction by David Fincher, an exceptional ensemble cast and subject matter that speaks to a generation and well beyond, The Social Network is mesmerizing.

Pete Hammond
Boxoffice Magazine
The result is a ripped-from-the-Zeitgeist film that is razor-sharp, an astute and funny portrait of the early 2000s, with all its LOL's, its IMO's and its WTF's. Mostly its WTF's.

Mike Scott
New Orleans Times-Picayune
Eisenberg, one of those young actors who has existed just below the radar for several years now (he was the lead in both Zombieland and Adventureland, not to be confused with one another), deserves an Oscar for this dead-on portrayal of a temperamental genius.

James Berardinelli
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