The Six Triple Eight
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The Six Triple Eight is inspired by the first and only Women’s Army Corps unit of color to serve overseas in WWII. Given an extraordinary mission and united in their determination, these unsung heroes delivered hope and shattered barriers.
- Kerry Washington
- Ebony Obsidian
- Milauna Jackson
- Kylie Jefferson
- Shanice Shantay
- Sarah Jeffery
- Pepi Sonuga
- Moriah Brown
- Jeanté Godlock
- Dean Norris
Atom User Reviews
It’s the kind of movie that could be charitably described as “educational”, though probably not as much as the magazine article that serves as its source material. At least we know Perry is true to history in one major way: today, as was the case back then, these women deserve better.
From beginning to end, The Six Triple Eight never trusts its audience to actually engage with the material beyond its inspiring surface, evidenced by a lengthy coda featuring title cards that literally restate the film’s plot over archival footage of the 6888th Battalion. Unsung heroes deserve better.
Grading on the Tyler Perry curve, though, “The Six Triple Eight” respects its noteworthy topic — and its audience — as much as it possibly could.