The Rookie (1990)
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A veteran detective is assigned a rookie partner after his previous partner is killed by a car theft gang. He is determined to apprehend those responsible for his friend's death but his new partner isn't really up to the task.
- Clint Eastwood
- Charlie Sheen
- Raul Julia
- Sônia Braga
- Tom Skerritt
- Lara Flynn Boyle
- Pepe Serna
- Marco Rodríguez
- Pete Randall
- Donna Mitchell
Atom User Reviews
The Rookie is an astonishingly empty movie to come from Mr. Eastwood.
Vincent Canby
The New York Times
In The Rookie, Eastwood's new buddy movie about a couple of cops in the auto theft division, Clint teams up with Charlie Sheen, and he couldn't be more naked in his attempts to connect with a younger generation of moviegoers if he laced up a pair of Reebok Pumps.
Hal Hinson
Washington Post
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