The Music of Strangers: Yo-Yo Ma and the Silk Road Ensemble
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Cellist Yo-Yo Ma and other international artists of The Silk Road Project discuss their philosophies on music and culture.
- Yo-Yo Ma
- Kinan Azmeh
- Kayhan Kalhor
- Cristina Pato
- Man Wu
- Johnny Gandelsman
- Osvaldo Golijov
- Nicholas Ma
- Bobby McFerrin
- Kevork Mourad
Atom User Reviews
Jun 17, 2016
The film’s most joyous performer is the bagpiper Cristina Pato, known as “the Jimi Hendrix of Galicia,” who is such a powerhouse that she could probably upstage the Rolling Stones (in their prime).
Peter Rainer
Christian Science Monitor
Jun 10, 2016
Whatever the flaws, The Music of Strangers does provide enough enticements to make it worth a sit, if only to see Mr. Rogers greet Ma in an old TV clip.
Susan Wloszczyna
Jun 6, 2016
It resonates as a portrait of artists trying to figure out their own paths toward making valuable contributions to the world.
Kenji Fujishima
Slant Magazine
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