The Gauntlet
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A hard but mediocre cop is assigned to escort a prostitute into custody from Las Vegas to Phoenix, so that she can testify in a mob trial. But a lot of people are literally betting that they won't make it into town alive.
- Clint Eastwood
- Sondra Locke
- Pat Hingle
- William Prince
- Bill McKinney
- Michael Cavanaugh
- Carole Cook
- Mara Corday
- Doug McGrath
- Jeff Morris
Atom User Reviews
The Gauntlet is classic Clint Eastwood: fast, furious, and funny. It tells a cheerfully preposterous story with great energy and a lot of style, and nobody seems more at home in this sort of action movie than Eastwood.
Roger Ebert
Chicago Sun-Times
It is a movie without a single thought in its head, but its action sequences are so ferociously staged that it's impossible not to pay attention most of the time.
Vincent Canby
The New York Times
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