The Eiger Sanction
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Classical art professor and collector Dr. Jonathan Hemlock, who doubles as a professional assassin, is coerced out of retirement to avenge the murder of an old friend.
- Clint Eastwood
- George Kennedy
- Vonetta McGee
- Jack Cassidy
- Thayer David
- Heidi Bruhl
- Reiner Schoene
- Brenda Venus
Atom User Reviews
There comes a time in some movies when sheer spectacle overwhelms any consideration of plot, and Clint Eastwood's The Eiger Sanction is a movie like that. It has a plot so unlikely and confused that we can't believe it for much more than 15 seconds at a time, but its action sequences are so absorbing and its mountaintop photography so compelling that we don't care.
Roger Ebert
Chicago Sun-Times
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