The Dead Pool
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Movie Info & Cast
Inspector "Dirty" Harry Callahan must stop a sick secret contest to murder various San Francisco celebrities, with himself being one of the targets.
- Clint Eastwood
- Patricia Clarkson
- Clint Eastwood
- Liam Neeson
- Patricia Clarkson
- Evan C. Kim
- Liam Neeson
- David Hunt
- Evan C. Kim
- Michael Currie
- David Hunt
- Michael Goodwin
- Michael Currie
- Darwin Gillett
- Michael Goodwin
- Anthony Charnota
- Darwin Gillett
- Christopher P. Beale
- Anthony Charnota
- Christopher P. Beale
Atom User Reviews
The film is smart, quick, and made with real wit. It's never just a crude action movie, bludgeoning us with violence. It's self-aware, it knows who Dirty Harry is and how we react to him, and it has fun with its intelligence. Also, of course, it bludgeons us with violence.
Roger Ebert
Chicago Sun-Times
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