The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
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Benjamin Button, born in 1918 with the physical state of an elderly man, ages in reverse. He experiences love and break-ups, ecstasy and sorrow, and timelessness by the time he dies in 2003 as a baby.
- Brad Pitt
- Cate Blanchett
- Taraji P. Henson
- Julia Ormond
- Jason Flemyng
- Mahershalalhashbaz Ali
- Jared Harris
- Elias Koteas
- Phyllis Somerville
- Tilda Swinton
Atom User Reviews
Lyrical, original, misshapen and deeply felt, this is one flawed beauty of a movie.

David Ansen
Superbly made and winningly acted by Brad Pitt in his most impressive outing to date.

Kirk Honeycutt
The Hollywood Reporter
This odd, epic tale of a man who ages backwards is presented in an impeccable classical manner, every detail tended to with fastidious devotion.

Todd McCarthy
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