The Beguiled (1971)
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While recuperating in a Confederate girls' boarding school, a Union soldier cons his way into each of the lonely women's hearts, causing them to turn on each other, and eventually, on him.
- Clint Eastwood
- Geraldine Page
- Elizabeth Hartman
- Jo Ann Harris
- Darleen Carr
- Mae Mercer
- Pamelyn Ferdin
- Melody Thomas Scott
- Peggy Drier
- Patricia Mattick
Atom User Reviews
One of the least famous of Clint's Western this is an enigma of the genre with ambiguity and psychological depth all over the place.
Ian Nathan
The story may sometimes come off as a ribald soldiers’ tale that Siegel, born in 1912, had been awaiting a sexual revolution to tell; still, his intense, intelligent breakdown of the film’s wild outbursts reveals subtleties of love, despair, and shame beneath the schematic luridness.
Richard Brody
The New Yorker
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