St. Elmo's Fire
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A group of friends, just out of college, struggle with adulthood.
- Rob Lowe
- Demi Moore
- Andrew McCarthy
- Judd Nelson
- Ally Sheedy
- Emilio Estevez
- Mare Winningham
- Martin Balsam
- Jon Cutler
- Joyce Van Patten
Atom User Reviews
St. Elmo's Fire is most appealing when it simply gives the actors a chance to flirt with the camera, and with one another. When it attempts to take seriously the problems of characters who are spoiled, affluent and unbearably smug, it becomes considerably less attractive.
Janet Maslin
The New York Times
Instead of real people, they've created fast-moving upscale wise guys, so thoughtless, so utterly self-absorbed that you're quite content letting them simply love themselves--they do it so well...The St. Elmo's Fire bunch, for all their wheel-spinning melodrama, is all surface--all speed and stylishness without a bit of emotional resonance beneath.
Sheila Benson
Los Angeles Times
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