Speed Racer
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Movie Info & Cast
- Emile Hirsch
- Nicholas Elia
- Susan Sarandon
- Melissa Holroyd
- Ariel Winter
- Scott Porter
- Giancarlo Ganziano
- Peter Fernandez
- Christina Ricci
- Matthew Fox
Atom User Reviews
This is not a film occurring in an alternate or imaginary reality; rather, it is a film of NO reality, that is, a picture that changes the rules of its universe strictly according to its creators' whims.
Unlike a Pixar cartoon that embraces as wide an audience as possible, Speed Racer proudly denies entry into its ultra-bright world to all but gamers, fanboys and anime enthusiasts. Story and character are tossed aside to focus obsessively on PG-rated action and milk-guzzling heroes.
Aimed squarely at family audiences, the Wachowski Brothers' return behind the camera for the first time since the Matrix trilogy is a blur of video action painting and very loud sounds notable solely for its technical wizardry. In every other respect, it's pure cotton candy -- entirely non-nutritious but too sweet and pretty for young people to resist.