Space Cowboys
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When retired engineer Frank Corvin is called upon to rescue a failing satellite, he insists that his equally old teammates accompany him into space.
- Clint Eastwood
- Tommy Lee Jones
- Donald Sutherland
- James Garner
- James Cromwell
- Marcia Gay Harden
- William Devane
- Loren Dean
- Courtney B. Vance
- Barbara Babcock
Atom User Reviews
The plot is too implausible to rank with Unforgiven, but, oh, what a fun ride.
Peter Travers
Rolling Stone
A lighthearted action adventure starring four of the most likable guys on the planet.
Marjorie Baumgarten
Austin Chronicle
Poorly engineered: lurchingly paced, the dramatic conflicts duct taped together.
Lisa Schwarzbaum
Entertainment Weekly
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