Possession (1981)
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A woman starts exhibiting increasingly disturbing behavior after asking her husband for a divorce. Suspicions of infidelity soon give way to something much more sinister.
- Isabelle Adjani
- Sam Neill
- Margit Carstensen
- Heinz Bennent
- Johanna Hofer
- Carl Duering
- Shaun Lawton
- Michael Hogben
- Maximilian Rüthlein
- Thomas Frey
Atom User Reviews
To watch Possession again is to realize that it remains one of the most grueling, powerful, and overwhelmingly intense cinematic experiences that you are likely to have in your lifetime.
Peter Sobczynski
There are plenty of movies which seem to have been made by madmen. Possession may be the only film in existence which is itself mad: unpredictable, horrific, its moments of terrifying lucidity only serving to highlight the staggering derangement at its core. Extreme but essential viewing.
Tom Huddleston
Time Out
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